How To Make Money Online YouTube

How To Make Money Online YouTube – Start Youtube Channel

How To Make Money Online YouTube – Start Youtube Channel

Make money online youtube, Have you ever wonder to make money on youtube? Yeah it’s possible and it’s very easy to start and make money online youtube. Great thing is that you can start it free you don’t need to invest on youtube. But you might need to invest on equipment. So let’s get started through this article.


  • Youtube Channel
  • Equipment for Making video
  • Basic video editing skills
  • Linking Youtube to google Adsense

So we need those above requirement and I’m gonna teach you all right now, so sit back and relax.

Create a Youtube channel

How To Make Money Online YouTube
How To Make Money Online YouTube

Alright, guys, this article was not to create a youtube channel as you guys can see the title  is, “how to make money online YouTube”. But to make money online youtube you really need to create youtube channel without that you can’t make money from youtube. The creating channel is Very easy and I highly recommend you guys to go through branded channel name. As we all know that coca cola is branded right so they use to post all content related on coke or other liquid drinks. So I highly recommend guys, go through the brand channel. Name the channel catchy like coke but not to use the word that already existed in the world. You are making own brand now take it seriously and try to make a catchy name.

Youtube Equipment for Making video

How To Make Money Online YouTube
How To Make Money Online YouTube

You just need is the computer that can edit your video , camera, and microphone. You can make any kind of video. If we don’t have these then should buy it. Without that, it will be hard to make a video and you can’t produce a lot of content.

So, guys if you want to build your own brand then you also need some equipment for to make a personal video. Youtube is the place where you should upload your own content. Do not re-upload the video that’s already existed, as your working on branded youtube channel you should not break the rule of youtube. If you upload other people’s video we will get strikes and our youtube channel may get down so beware of  copyrights.


You should have basic video editing skills

How To Make Money Online YouTube
How To Make Money Online YouTube

If you want to start youtube then we need to have basic video editing skills. No matter what kind of video editor you are using you  should have editing skills. If you don’t know how to edit you can simply find a lot of tutorial on youtube there are plenty videos. You can learn editing video within an hour and master it as you go on by using it. Even I make a tutorial on youtube about video editing using sony vegas. You can check my youtube channel  here.


Linking Youtube to google Adsense

How To Make Money Online YouTube
How To Make Money Online YouTube

Now once you have started making a video, you can upload video as you produce on your channel. Now you can even  Make Money Online YouTube by linking youtube to google Adsense. Yes, google Adsense let you make money on your youtube channel.

NOTE: Youtube splits revenue up to 45-55% that you have earned.

Watch this video link youtube to google Adsense:

Once you guys watch this video  now we can easily  Make Money Online YouTube. Now you guys know that it’s that’s all to make money online YouTube enjoy.
If you guys  have any questions regarding this post leave a comment.


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